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Byzantine Web Triangle

Weave Description
Byzantine Web Triangle
Byzantine expanded hexagonally as a web, based on Japanese 6 in 1 tessellation. Six Byzantine chains come off each pair of large rings, unlike three as seen in Byzantine Web, or four as seen in Byzantine Web Square. Because of this, large connector rings are required. Using the same wire diameter pushes this ring's AR requirement to the mid 8's, which is relatively high. This can be worked around with rings of a larger WD, with the necessary ID increase for the smaller rings.

Sample displayed:
Box Chain 4 in 1 segments + small connector rings:
.047" (1.19mm) bright aluminum
9/64” (3.57mm) mandrel
.156” ID
AR of 3.3
Large connector rings:
.048" (1.22mm) stainless steel
23/64" (9.13mm) mandrel
.419" ID
AR of 8.7

This weave is conceptually as old as Byz Web, and was originally introduced on the forum in 2009 here, although it showed up in a few gallery items prior to that (see Random Gallery Items Tagged below).

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Sheet, Web

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